The Villa Square (Madrid)
Client: Madrid Town Hall
The Villa square (before San Salvador´s square) is situated in Madrid´s old town (Spain), next to the Mayor Street. It has its origin in three small streets, corresponding to primitive medieval drawn of the city: the Elbow one shows by the East, the Cord street in the South and finally the street of Madrid by the West.
In its context we can see the main fronts of three buildings with great historical-artistic value, raised in different centuries. The oldest one is the Lujanes Tower and House (Xv century), built in gothic and mudéjar style, base in the Eastern face of the square.
Formerly it was headquarters Madrid City Hall up to its transfer to Cibeles Palace. The plenary sessions in Madrid Town Hall are regularly performed in the same place where BGL provides light, sound and technical, as well as assistance in preventive and corrective maintenance tasks.
Specifically they are performed in two different spaces, Mayor 71 and its own Villa square.